This World Water Day, we are joining the focus on, 'what water means to people, its true value and how we can better protect this vital resource.' Our principals joined the conversation of the World Water Day campaign and shared their thoughts on, ‘what does water mean to you?’
Take a read of their responses to learn a little bit more about them:
Tamsin, Principal Water Resources Specialists
'I have been immersed in the world of natural sciences from an early age, with a geologist and a botanist as parents. Now as a principal water resources specialist, I have a responsibility to manage and protect this vital resource. In my day-to-day work, I support the agricultural sector to secure abstraction licences, whilst also demonstrating how best to optimise their resources. At Envireau Water, I am proud to work within a team that is dedicated to water sustainability, working tirelessly to ensure its efficient use across all our sectors.'
Lee Clarke, Principal Hydrologist, Hydrogeologist
'Water is a fundamental part of our lives. Uncontaminated rivers and groundwater are the foundation of a healthy ecosystem, whilst clean water, toilets and hygiene are the backbone of a thriving socio-economic structure. A large proportion of my working career has been spent engaged with varying water practices, with the ethos of protecting both the environment and the people, whilst meeting socio-economic needs where sometimes a fine balance needs to be struck.
Approximately 1 in 10 people in the world still don’t have access to safe, clean water close to their home. This a subject close to my heart and t is my strong belief that everyone around the globe should have uncontaminated rivers and groundwater whilst having access to safe, clean water, toilets and hygiene. The world can only be a better place when we can make this happen.'
Penny Jenkinson, Principal Hydrogeologist
'Water is something that can be taken for granted but it is essential for so many aspects of life. From crops needing rain to grow, habitats for wildlife, to water needed for drinking. Water makes up a large part of my working day and typically involves the abstraction of water from boreholes or watercourses, the use of the water, and then it’s return to the environment. Everyone can do their bit to use water carefully and sustainably, and to protect it.'
Deborah Thomas, Principal Hydrogeologist
'At school, we are taught that the water cycle is one of the fundamentals that allows life on this planet. For those of us that are fortunate enough, water is seen, and at times treated, as if it is a reliable and infinite resource, available simply at the turn of a tap. However, this luxury is not experienced worldwide, and I believe it is important that every person does their bit to protect, and where possible, enhance this truly precious finite resource. My work as a hydrogeologist allows me to support companies and individuals gain access to water while reducing their impact on the surrounding water environment.'
Do you need help protecting this vital resource? Whether it is for an abstraction licence for a quarry development, a discharge permit to adhere to environmental compliance or support to create a more reliable source for summer irrigation, we will work with you to identify the optimal solution for you, as well as the regulators and the environment.
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