


Learn what the experts are saying at industry conferences about a wide range of natural water management issues.

Keynote: Sustainability: The Only Way Forward

Keynote: Sustainability: The Only Way Forward

Date Published: 10/11/2023

Adopting a global perspective, Simon Garrett summarised why a path to sustainability is one we should all be treading at #BHUC2023.

Borehole Efficiency: A Must-Have for Any Industry

Borehole Efficiency: A Must-Have for Any Industry

Date published: 10/11/2023

David Banks, co-author of the renowned 'Water Wells and Boreholes' brought the hydraulic design chapter to life, detailing the key considerations in optimising drawdown efficiency and the pit falls to


Keynote: Sustainability: The Only Way Forward

Keynote: Sustainability: The Only Way Forward

Date Published: 10/11/2023 

With his regulator hat on, Andy translated how the global view of sustainability is interpreted by the Environment Agency and what that means for the future of Borehole water supplies.

Electrical Efficiency: A Win-Win for the Environment and Your Bottom Line

Electrical Efficiency: A Win-Win for the Environment and Your Bottom Line

Date Published: 10/11/2023

Are you ready for the new and novel? John discussed how power and pump control systems can be optimised to increase electrical efficiency, and decarbonise operations.

Borehole Design: Back to the drawing board

Workshop 1: Borehole Design: Back to the drawing board (John)

Date Published: 10/11/2023

John, followed on from David in our afternoon workshop to explore the use and selection of control systems.

Borehole Design: Back to the drawing board

Workshop 1: Borehole Design: Back to the drawing board (Shona)

Date Published: 10/11/2023

Shona continued the interactive workshop session by building on David's morning talk, reiterating the importance of data and the monitoring of your borehole water supply!

Water Stewardship

Workshop 2: Water Stewardship

Date Published: 10/11/2023

This expert session explored what sustainability means for good water stewards, the benefits of understanding and engaging with stakeholders in your catchment, and considering the importance of a sustainable supply chain.

Dr Mike Jones, a keynote lecture building on the UN-Water’s theme ‘Making the invisible, visible,’ promoting the role of groundwater as a hidden resource, and how it can be effectively managed in the fight against climate change.

Making the Invisible, Visible

Date Published: 08/11/2022 

BHUC 2022 - Dr Mike Jones, a keynote lecture, building on the UN-Water’s theme ‘Making the Invisible, Visible,’ promoting the role of groundwater as a hidden resource, and how it can be effectively managed in the fight against climate change.

Where’s the Best Location for my Borehole

Where’s the Best Location for my Borehole

Date Published: 08/11/2022

BHUC 2022 - Envireau Water’s Principal Hydrogeologist, Penny Jenkinson explores the science behind siting new borehole supplies, and the practical dos and don’ts for locating water supplies.

Geophysics: Imaging the Invisible

Geophysics: Imaging the Invisible

Date Published: 08/11/2022

BHUC 2022 - Christian Bird, Technical Manager at TerraDat UK Ltd, explores the role of geophysical techniques for siting new boreholes without breaking ground.

Siting Boreholes: What’s going on inside Boreholes?

Siting Boreholes: What’s going on inside Boreholes?

Date Published: 08/11/2022

BHUC 2022 - David Hingley from European Geophysical Services explores how below ground geophysics can be used to investigate what is going on inside existing boreholes.

Workshop 1 - Groundwater & Boreholes: How to make the Invisible, Visible

Workshop 1 - Groundwater & Boreholes: How to make the Invisible, Visible

Date Published: 08/11/2022

BHUC 2022 – Workshop 1: Phil Merrin, Lydia Yates, Carl Gilbert & Bethan Harrison of Severn Trent Water, examine common borehole ‘myths’, using case studies from the water industry to demonstrate what can go wrong with boreholes, and how to avoid them going wrong in the first place.

Workshop 2 - Water Stewardship

Workshop 2 - Water Stewardship

Date Published: 08/11/2022

BHUC 2022 – Workshop 2: This practical, hands-on workshop, run by Envireau Water in collaboration with Steve Brown from Central Solutions and Ben Davies from The Alliance for Water Stewardship, explores what stewardship can offer to abstractors and the journey towards certification, with a focus on how to successfully undertake stakeholder engagement.

How To Develop a Licensed Water Supply Borehole: Advice From The Experts

How To Develop a Licensed Water Supply Borehole: Advice From The Experts

Date Published: 27/11/2020

Dr Phil Ham, James Dodds and Penny Jenkinson were joined by Sam Walton from ABP to reflect on the key points for developing a licensed water supply, focusing on a recent project at Grimsby Port. 

Life after the water act

Life after the Water Act 2003 Transition period

Date Published: 24/08/2020

James Dodds, our water management specialist joined the Extractive Industry Geology (EIG) Conference for one of their monthly webinars.

Is Your Yield Declining?

Is Your Yield Declining?

Date Published: 12/11/2019

Dr Phil Ham, Managing Director of Envireau Water, delved into what borehole rehabilitation means in practice at the 2019 BHUC. Utilising real life case studies to cover rehabilitation, performance and signs of deteriation. 

Wetland Restoration Design

Wetland Restoration Design

Date Published: 02/08/2019

Lee Clarke and Rebecca Haw designed this poster for the Constructed Wetlands Conference to show the use of a 1D hydraulic drainage model to design a 500-hectare wetland.

Finding Fertile Fields for the Future - The Soil Water Nexus

Finding Fertile Fields for the Future - The Soil Water Nexus

Date Published: 04/06/2019

Soils are a key resource to the agricultural production system, yet 33% of arable top soil has been lost globally in the last 40 years. In England and Wales at current rates of usage it is estimated that we have just 100 harvests left...

Sand and Gravel Aquifers - The Importance of Knowing What You've Got

Sand and Gravel Aquifers - The Importance of Knowing What You've Got

Date Published: 07/05/2019

Principal Hydrogeologists, Deborah Thomas and Penny Jenkinson were pleased to share their expertise at The Geological Society of London’s Hydrogeology of the Superficial Deposits Conference.

A Pragmatic Approach to Evaluating the Impact of Woodland Creation on Slowing the Flow

A Pragmatic Approach to Evaluating the Impact of Woodland Creation on Slowing the Flow

Date Published: 07/05/2019

Rebecca Haw and Michael Underwood, Hydrologists in our dedicated surface water team were pleased to share their knowledge in Natural Flood Management (NFM) at the Annual River Restoration Conference.

Using 2D Modelling to Assess the Effectiveness of NFM Under Different  Rainfall Event Magnitudes at a Catchment Scale

Using 2D Modelling to Assess the Effectiveness of NFM Under Different Rainfall Event Magnitudes at a Catchment Scale

Date Published: 07/05/2019

Michael Underwood, Hydrologist at Envireau Water was pleased to present a poster at the British Hydrological Society National Meeting on Natural Flood Risk Management (NFM) at Lancaster University.


How To Develop a Licensed Water Supply Borehole: Advice From The Experts

How To Develop a Licensed Water Supply Borehole: Advice From The Experts

Dr Phil Ham, James Dodds and Penny Jenkinson were joined by Sam Walton from ABP to reflect on the key points for developing a licensed water supply, focusing on a recent project at Grimsby Port. 

Quarry Water Management and Licensing Webinar

Quarry Water Management and Licensing Webinar

Deborah and James explain how to build a successful application process and data, evidence and scientific justification required to support a Hydrogeological Impact Assessment.

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