To be granted planning permission, many developers require a range of impact assessments to move forward with full planning consent. With every one of our projects, we ensure that the impact assessment is designed to meet the objective of the development, as well as submitting the required data for the relevant regulatory authorities. Where monitoring is required to support and inform an impact assessment, we will work with you to design and install appropriate schemes of groundwater and surface water monitoring.
What assessment might I require?
Impact assessments are undertaken to support all types of developments, whether it is a borehole development, quarry, housing construction, or waste disposal. We frequently deliver specific hydrogeological or hydrological assessments to form part of a large-scale environmental impact assessment.
Hydrogeological impact assessments
These may form part of a planning application, an abstraction licence application, or a minerals review.
Environmental impact assessments (EIAs)
These cover a wide range of technical subjects. The water aspects of an EIA cover hydrology, hydrogeology, water quality or the interactions between any of these. We are experienced with delivering technical reports and chapters to support an Environmental Statement.