The local planning authority will often request a Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) as part of a planning application.
Our specialists have pulled together the 3 key points below to help you kickstart your FRA, prevent planning delays and get cracking with construction!
Engage Early.
If your site resides in Flood Zone 2 or 3, or covers an area greater than 1 hectare in Flood Zone 1, an FRA is required. Check the Environment Agency’s flood mapping service to see which zone you are in and engage early with an Envireau Water hydrologist to understand the complexity of the project, how much data and technical work is required to support a successful application, and the likely costs.
© Arran Nash,
Acting early ensures that sustainable solutions are designed to minimise flood risk and manage surface water and, crucially, prevent unforeseen costs and delays during the planning process.
Understand Your Site’s Hydrology.
The effects of extreme rainfall have led to surface water flooding becoming a more important consideration at planning application stage. Surface water drainage modelling is increasingly required alongside the traditional river or tidal flood risk models, particularly for larger developments. By applying appropriate modelling techniques, concerns around flow pathways and runoff rates can be addressed as part of the FRA.
The modelling is then used to identify sustainable drainage solutions that comply with planning policies and, where necessary, meet the requirements for adoption by the local authority.
Invest in detailed data.
If there is one thing experience has taught us at Envireau Water, it is that the right data is required to make the right decisions! For FRAs, this means investing in a good topographical survey to thoroughly assess the potential for flooding, and design appropriate mitigation where it is required. Good topographical data can be used to verify the extent of, and where necessary challenge, defined flood zones. Without good data, it is not possible to demonstrate that a development will be safe and not increase flood risk elsewhere.
We can help…
Our team has been carrying out FRAs and developing sustainable solutions for water management and drainage for over 25 years. We apply our expertise in hydrology, hydraulic modelling, and the water environment, to achieve successful outcomes. Save time, reduce costs and get in touch with our team at or call on
01332 871 882.
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