Prolonged periods of dry weather reduce river flows and groundwater levels, which affects the reliability and sustainability of water supplies, even following times of sustained rainfall.
The Environment Agency has published guidelines for non-water company abstraction licence holders who have been affected by prolonged dry weather. Following a very dry spring, June has brought ‘above average rainfall’, but as James Dodds explains, “It will take more than a few rainfall events to replenish the drying stocks!”.
Prolonged dry weather could result in the following negative effects:
So, it’s time to be proactive and ask yourself, do you have enough water?
During prolonged dry periods, water demand increases and there is a risk of exceeding licensed volumes. However, the Environment Agency acknowledges that some abstractors will struggle to keep to their licence conditions during these periods and as a result, there are several potential options available to improve your access to water.
Short-term Options
These are flexible abstraction solutions that can be agreed with the Environment Agency within a matter of weeks.
Long-term Considerations
All changes to licences (short or long term) must be in line with the relevant abstraction licensing strategy and must not impact the environment or existing water users.
The future of water resources
The last few years have seen changing weather patterns, including the frequency of prolonged dry weather, which may only continue to become more extreme. This requires some forward-thinking by abstractors as there may not always be the ability to abstract a bit more water. So, the question to ask is… How can water resilience be increased? Points to consider include:
How Envireau Water can help…
Our team has 25 years’ experience managing water resources, overcoming problems in both periods of minimal and excess water. Our relationship with the Environment Agency and Natural Resources Wales built over many years of negotiating licences enables us to find effective solutions and push boundaries. So, it’s time to be proactive, evaluate your water resources and get in touch with our technical lead James Dodds on or 01332 871 870.
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