Did you miss the EIG webinar?
Our Water Management expert, James Dodds, joined the Extractive Industry Geology (EIG) Conference for one of their free monthly webinars last Tuesday. Just in case you missed it we have summarised all you need to know about ‘Life after the Water Act 2003 transition period’ and embedded a link to the EIG youtube channel!
What is important about life after the water act 2003 transition period?
That we need to stop discussing the past and move forward with the changes made in 2018! The most noted change is that the Hydrogeological Impact Assessment (HIA) process is different and so is the audience. Prior to 2018 dewatering was covered in a planning application and directed to the Mineral Planning Authority (MPA), whereas now abstraction licence applications are determined by the Environment Agency or NRW.
So, what do I need to consider when compiling an HIA for a dewatering application?
You need to understand the site, any good HIA is backed up by an appropriate conceptual model.
Finally, EVERYTHING hangs off an evidence based conceptual model and how appropriate it is to the site and sensitivity of the project.
Still don’t get it?
That’s okay, we have the webinar recorded and ready to watch. Our water management specialist James Dodds explains it much better than we could ever type it! Click here to watch and if you have any questions, get in touch with James@envireauwater.co.uk.
When’s the next webinar?
Keep an eye out on our website for more webinars. James and Deborah are discussing dewatering for estate and planning specialists on Wednesday 26 August – register your place here!
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