EW - James Dodds

James Dodds

MSc, CGeol, FGS

James Dodds MSc, CGeol, FGS

James Dodds MSc, CGeol, FGS

Director, Water Management Specialist

With over 37 years of international, technical, hydrogeological and water management consulting experience, James holds a Master's degree in Hydrogeology from University College, University of London. 

A nationally recognised expert in water management and water resources hydrogeology, James has experience in a variety of sectors, ranging from minerals, mining and energy to industrial and domestic development; having acquired expert knowledge on UK water management and the regulatory systems around abstraction and discharge, flooding and drainage. James also holds expert knowledge in geotechnical hydrogeology, water management, drainage and discharge and water resources regulation and permitting.

As well as leading technical project teams and providing high level project management support, James acts as the technical lead on expert witness projects and regulator negotiation for new and novel permit and licence applications.

James has appeared in the English, Welsh and Northern Ireland jurisdictions (public enquiry (PINS), high court and crown court), acted in civil cases, and acted as an Assistant Inspector for An Bord Pleanála in Ireland.

Contact James on: 01332 871871

Recent Cases

Criminal Expert evidence instructed by defendant relating to silt discharge during construction of a major road in Northern Ireland. TLT Solicitors
Planning Acting as assistant inspector at Public Inquiry with respect to water related aspects of major planning application (Ireland). An Bord Pleanála (Dublin)
Criminal Expert reporting, preparation of evidence and attendance of court hearing in relation to breach of environmental permit for quarry discharge. Schofield Sweeney
Litigation Expert evidence and court witness instructed by defendant in connection with silt discharge from quarry. Avison Young
Planning Preparation of evidence and attendance at Public Enquiry relating to onshore oil development. Appellant
Abstraction Licensing Preparation of evidence and attendance at Public Enquiry relating to an abstraction licence appeal. Appellant
Abstraction Licensing Preparation of evidence for written representations relating to an abstraction licence appeal. Appellant
Technical Review Expert reporting on hydrogeology relating to service reservoir failure. Drinking Water Inspectorate (London, South West)
Planning Expert reporting on possible impacts from proposed environmental mitigation related to NSIP. Objector
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